
Are you having symptoms of dry eyes? Dry eyes, causes, and cure.

Home Eye clinic Are you having symptoms of dry eyes? Dry eyes, causes, and cure.

Dry eye has become a buzzword in the medical field in recent times. Surveys show that every 7 out of 10 people who visit the hospital are advised on the management of dry eyes. Prolonged screen time and pollution are the primary reasons people are ailing from this condition. Today we are going to discuss some precautions and measures that you can use to prevent and cure dry eyes.

How do you know if you have dry eyes?

If you have any of these symptoms, you have dry eyes – A persistently stinging and scratchy sensation in your eyes is something that we all hate, but it can also be a warning sign for dry eyes. Stringy mucus in or around your eyes is another symptom. Light sensitivity, eye redness, and an ever-present feeling of having something in your eyes are also present in some people. If you have dry eyes, then you may have difficulty wearing contact lenses and difficulty with nighttime driving too.

Causes of Dry eyes

Blinking less often when you’re concentrating during certain activities and blinking less, such as while reading, driving, or working at a computer, may cause the development of dry eyes. Eye allergies, Preservatives in topical eye drops, Wind, Smoke, or dry wind during particular seasons, and Vitamin A deficiency result in dry eyes.

Risk Factors: Do you have them?

Some people are at more risk than others. Those over the age of 50 or above should take special care of their eyes. While the symptoms of dry eyes abate in younger adults pretty quickly, such instances are an aberration in older guys. Being more aged than 50 increases your chances of having dry eyes.

Women go through many hormonal changes. The development of dry eyes due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, birth control pills, and menopause are widespread in women.

If you are low in vitamin A and you have dry eyes, then the symptoms can be subsided if you take a diet rich in this nutrient. So, start with foods rich in vitamin A; you are bound to get results.

Wearing contact lenses or going through a refractive surgery can also lead to dry eyes.

Preventing and curing Dry Eyes

Avoid blowing air from hair dryers, air conditioners, car heaters, air conditioners, or fans towards the eyes. Get your room humidified by humidifiers that add moisture to dry indoor air. Wear wraparound goggles or other protective eyewear like safety shields to block wind and dry air. During the Corona pandemic, it won’t look odd to wear these shields.

Taking regular breaks from tasks that involve computers or digital tools is a good idea.

Take eye breaks during long tasks. Tasks that require visual concentration like reading and surfing the internet should involve taking periodic eye breaks. Don’t forget to blink, close your eyes for a few minutes, and apply water to them to keep them moist.

One of the most effective habits to prevent eye dryness is keeping the computer screen below eye levels, as this doesn’t require you to open your eyes wide.

Regular use of artificial tears frequently when you have chronic dry eyes is the best idea. Apply tear drops even when your eyes feel fine.

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