
This is how Vitamin A protects your cornea and retina.

Home Eye clinic This is how Vitamin A protects your cornea and retina.

Cornea is the outermost layer of your eyes whereas retina is the screen where the final image of this beautiful world forms. Here you will know how a single nutrient can keep your eyes completely healthy. Vitamin A is that miraculous nutrient that supports our eyes in and out.

A research conducted by American Optometric Association showed that out of 642 subjects, 37 subjects with low vitamin A intake at 14 years, 11 had myopia (29.7%), while of the 107 subjects at year 17, 25 had myopia (23.4%), and of the 445 subjects at year 20, 122 (27.4%) had myopia. And all of them were deficient in Vitamin A. Lack of Vitamin A and myopia had a strong correlation among teenagers and people in their early adulthood. Intake of adequate amount of Vitamin A is recommended.

Many people complain of seeing black patches in their vision which is an early symptom of age related macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is an irreversible eye condition that leads to permanent blindness in both the eyes. Intake of Vitamin A throughout life is recommended to prevent such disorders.

Mild conditions like eye allergies and dry eyes have also shown improvement with the application of Vitamin A infused eye drops. But that kind of treatment is only effective against conditions that affect the surface of our eyes like the cornea and the whites of eyes. Eyes are complex organs and they need inside out vitamin A nourishment and that can happen only when you consume a Vitamin A loaded diet.

Best sources of Vitamin A

There are two types of sources for obtaining Vitamin A. When derived from animal foods, it is called retinol. This vitamin A can be used directly by the body. Chicken liver, whole milk and cheese are some best sources of obtaining Vitamin A.

When obtained from vegetables and colourful fruits they are called pro-vitamin A carotenoid, That is converted to retinol by the body after the food is ingested. Sources include carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale and cantaloupes.

When does Vitamin A become a toxin?

Vitamin A is not water-soluble and it is stored in body fat and, if ingested in excess amounts, can build up in the body. But Pro-vitamin A found in fruits and vegetables are water-soluble and are easily eliminated from the body, so vitamin A toxicity from vegetarian food sources is rare. Vitamin A supplements pose serious risks for smokers. Smokers have an increased risk of lung cancer when they take eye supplements.

These are the recommended amount of Vitamin A intake doses for different age groups –

Children of age 0-13 can take 5,610 IUs of Vitamin A on an average where as teenagers of age 14-19 are recommended the amount of 9,240 IUs. Adults of age 20 or older can take 10,000 IU without worrying.

Vitamin A does more than preventing Night blindness as it takes care of the overall health of your eyes. This vital nutrient should not be neglected as this is paramount for the window to our world.

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