
5 habits that damage your eyes the most!

Home Eye clinic 5 habits that damage your eyes the most!

It is true that there are many things that are beyond our control, like how our body reacts to pollen grains or the food that we are allergic to or that erratic cancer cell that decided to proliferate at an uncontrollable rate. These things are rightly beyond our control.  But some actions are within our grasp and we can control ourselves to lead an overall healthy life.

We are all guilty of some habits that we know that we need to shed immediately. Our parents rightly reprimand us for some of them, though how unreasonable they might seem. Some habits are constantly deteriorating our health and our eye health in particular.

Constantly being in front of screen

Most people spend a lion’s share of their day behind a screen. The blue light that is emitted from your cell phone, computer, or TV can cause an increase in your eye strain. Taking breaks from looking at these screens should be made a habit as you need to give your eyes a rest.

Rubbing your eyes as if you have a spare one

Rubbing your eyes frequently can end up damaging your cornea. The constant rubbing motion takes away small cells of cornea, layer by layer making it thin and causing you a permanent loss of vision. Apply water splash on your eyes when debris go into them. Avoid rubbing them as your eyes are capable enough to use tears to drain the debris that may be in your eyes. The cornea unlike other organs cannot heal itself. There are no blood vessels in cornea that can carry food and oxygen to it. Rubbing too much can give you conditions like Keratoconus that might need invasive treatments.

Sleeping in Cosmetics

When you sleep in makeup you are also sleeping in all the collected pathogen and disease causing bacteria throughout the day. This can give you mild allergies but they can further progress to form diseases like Uveitis or eye inflammation. Every year thousands of patients visit doctors with Uveitis, and guess what most of them say that the condition started as mild allergy. Why give yourself a reason to abhor your own actions later? Removing away your makeup before falling asleep at night is recommended. This can reduce your risk of getting an eye infection by manifolds.

Not Wearing Sunglasses

Disease caused because of constant exposure to sun’s UV rays is innumerable. The most difficult of all eye conditions that aggravate or start because of constant exposure to sun are Keratoconus, Age Related Macular Degeneration and mild Cataracts. On the other hand Uveitis and Allergies are formed because of constant exposure to dust and pathogens. An eyewear or a sunglass can easily prevent these conditions.  Make sure you have a sunglass when you head out in the sun.

Last Tip! Avoid smoking…

Smoking has considerable negative effect on eye health. Besides raising blood pressure that affects the eyes, smoking has direct link to the progression of serious eye conditions like Age Related Macular degeneration. It also increases the chance of getting diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma in humans. A single step of quitting of smoking can help you strike off the possibility of getting multiple eye conditions.

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