
Lazy Eye Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

Home Eye clinic Lazy Eye Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

A lazy eye, medically known as amblyopia is a disease of the eye that leads to poor vision. It is a rare disease which affects only about three children in a hundred on average.  Damages and weakens one eye, causing the other one to be stronger. The communication between the brain and the weaker eye is insufficient, causing vision to be completely dependent solely on the other.

More Details about Lazy Eye Diseases

The brain communicates with both eyes through optic nerves to receive stimuli and form an image, which is intercepted and interpreted by the brain. If communication with one eye is weakened, the image formed is distorted, leading to impaired vision. This disease is completely curable. Through proper diagnosis and correct lazy eye treatment, this problem can be cured and the vision can be corrected.

Treatment For Lazy Eye Disease

Treatment for a lazy eye works better in young patients. That is because nerves and communication paths between the sensory organs and the brain are formed during childhood. Therefore, damage in the same can be cured most effectively if the patient is less than 7 years old. However, lazy eye treatment for teenagers has also yielded positive results. Patients as old as 17 years of age have recovered completely.

Lazy eye treatment for adults is also possible. No matter what your age is, with the right treatment you can always receive results as your vision is bound to improve. Here are some options for lazy eye treatment available to patients of all ages.

  • Corrective eyeglasses and contact lenses
  • Wearing an eye patch over the eye with a better vision for a few hours every day
  • Bangerter filters are worn over the stronger eye for children who cannot handle an eye patch
  • Prescription eye drops
  • Training the weaker eye through games and activities
  • Surgery


These methods are effective in patients of all ages and yield positive results. The most important thing to do, however, is to see an ophthalmologist at the earliest to discuss your problem, the condition, and the viable options available to you. Hence, if you want the best treatment for lazy eye disease, you can opt for The Retina Centre and get beneficial and affordable healthcare services.

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