
Eye Care in Summer: Know the Effective Tips

Home Eye clinic Eye Care in Summer: Know the Effective Tips

Summer is the season of exploring and enjoying the vibrancy of nature. However, you can not forget to take precautions to save yourself from the harmful effects of heat. Not only your skin or hair but your eyes can be harmed severely by the summer sun. In such situations, you can opt for the best eye clinic in Guwahati to get proper eye treatment to heal the heat effects on your eyes. Alternatively, you can follow some safety measures to prevent eye damage. These are stated below.

How to Take Care of Your Eyes During Summer?

Summer sun can cause burning sensations in your eyes. It may lead to other severe eye damage that should be managed in the first place. Some effective tips to care for your eyes in summer are:

  1. Eye Protection

Protect your eyes from the direct heat with sunglasses and hats. When choosing sunglasses ensure that they can prevent 100% UVA rays otherwise they won’t be helpful for your eyes. Also, do not skip on cloudy days as well.

  1. Use Eye Drops

Eye drops are extremely helpful to keep your eyes moist and free from allergies that generally occur because of heat and dust. However, if you face such problems do not wait for longer and come to The Retina Centre, the best eye clinic in Guwahati and take suggestions from the experts on types of eye drops to use in summer.

  1. Avoid Swimming Without Goggles

Do not leap into an overcrowded pool without your goggles on. The chances of getting bacterial infections are really high from public pools. Wash your eyes properly after coming out of the pool.

  1. Be Careful with Sunscreen

While applying sunscreen, do not get that into your eyes. The chemical composition may disturb the delicate structure of your eye and cause unnecessary irritation. So, avoid the eye area while applying sunscreen or any such product.

  1. Come for an Eye Examination in any Eye Hospital in Guwahati

Checking your eyes frequently is a healthy habit. If you are facing issues with sunburns in your eyes, you can come to The Retina Centre as we have different budget-friendly packages for regular eye examinations. Our professional ophthalmologists will guide you the best on how to take care of your eyes properly during summer.


Follow these tips for your summer eye care and also guide your friends and family accordingly. Generally, sunburn in the eyes can be treated with home remedies and protection. However, if you see any severe complications, you can come to The Retina Centre and ask for expert advice.

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