
Home Safety Tips to Prevent Eye Injury

Home Eye clinic Home Safety Tips to Prevent Eye Injury

Eye injuries occurring at home are extremely common although people overlook its possibility. It can happen from cleaning materials, kitchen accidents or anything similar. However, it is suggested to visit an eye doctor after any accident to avoid any serious consequences. But, you can take some preventive measures to avoid such accidents. This blog will give you a brief idea about these measures.

What are Some Home Safety Tips to Prevent Eye Injury?

Some home safety tips to prevent eye injuries are as follows:

  • Know the Chemical Composition of Cleaning Products

Before using any cleaning material know about its chemical composition properly. Cleaning liquid containing bleach cause eye irritation and long-term eye damage. Similar cases happen with acidic cleaning materials. So, it is better to know about the chemical compositions first and use them with proper precautions.

  • Wash Your Hands After Touching Objects in the Kitchen

You need to wash your hands properly after using any object in the kitchen. It will prevent spice residues to get into your eyes unknowingly. You also need to wash your hands frequently while cooking for the same reason.

  • Use Sharp Objects Carefully

It is very basic that you need to be careful while using sharp objects. These can cause serious injury at any time. Especially children are more exposed to such accidents as they do not use them carefully sometimes. So, it is better to keep sharp objects away from them or stand by their side while they are using these.

  • Be Careful with Power Tools

Power tools like bottle openers, nails remover, and screws can launch different sharp elements in the course of use. So, be careful with these tools, wear protective glass and open champagne bottles from a distance so your eyes do not get harmed.

  • Wear Glasses while Trimming Grass

You should wear glasses while trimming the grasses on your lawn. The pointy edges of grasses may poke into your eyes or the grass pieces can spring into your eyes from the machine and cause eye irritation.


So, be cautious even when you are indoors regarding your eyes. You should be careful while using different tools while cooking so your eyes do not get harmed. Also, if you get into any emergency you can get the best help from The Retina Centre as we have a dedicated team to handle any situation efficiently.

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