
How to Take Care of Your Eyes When You Have Diabetes?

Home Eye clinic How to Take Care of Your Eyes When You Have Diabetes?

Diabetes is one of the prime causes of different types of eye diseases. As curing diabetes completely is quite challenging so you will need to be under a strict healthy lifestyle and diet to prevent all the complications associated with it. Keep scrolling through the blog to know how to take care of your eyes if you have diabetes.

Eye Care Tips for Diabetic Patients

Diabetes can cause several harmful eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, cataract, and even loss of sight. To prevent all these, you can follow some tips mentioned below:

  1. Make a Healthy Diet Plan

A healthy diet plan can help you prevent diabetic eye diseases extensively. For this, you need to include:

  • Fish
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Protein
  • Colourful fruits, etc.

Fish contains omega-3 fatty acid that is extremely helpful for eye health. Fruits, vegetables, etc can supply the vitamins for better vision.

  1. Regular Exercise

Regular exercise can help reduce blood sugar remarkably. Regular exercise can help you in different ways such as:

  • Strengthens blood vessels in your eyes
  • Controls blood pressure so your optical nerves remain healthy

Hence, you do not need to do heavy exercise regularly. Doing regular household chores can also help you a lot.

  1. Go for Eye Exams Regularly

If you have diabetes you must go for frequent health check up. Add eye examination to the list too. Frequent eye examinations can find out:

  • The sign & symptoms of eye diseases
  • Weakness of your eyes
  • Any persistent threatening condition

Hence, if you want affordable eye examination packages you can definitely come to The Retina Centre as we organize different eye examination sessions by professional ophthalmologists. At our clinic, you will get the best eye diagnosis and treatment.


Thus, diabetic eye diseases can be controlled by proper measures and guidance from professionals. You also need to monitor your cholesterol level regularly to avoid further eye complications. In addition, you will also need to be more careful with medicine intake as well. For complete expert advice, book an appointment now at The Retina Centre.

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