
A complete list of all the ailments related to swollen eye lid.

Home Eye clinic A complete list of all the ailments related to swollen eye lid.

Swelling of eyelids can have many underlying causes. The swelling of eyelids is a symptom and not a cause in itself. Even as pesky reason as blocked tear ducts and conjunctivitis can result in swollen eyelids but there are many other reasons why you might have swollen eyelids. Let’s examine these reasons and see how we can deal with them.


A stye or achina as we call in local language starts as an infection of tear or oil gland in the eyelid. Tear glands at the base of the eyelashes are affected mostly. When they occur inside the eyelid it is due to infected oil glands. They begin as swollen lumps over the course of a few hours or a few days. Later on they start to resemble a pimple with white heads in some cases. In most cases, the infection requires no treatment. Home remedies such as warm compresses reduce the pain.


A chalazion resembles a stye, and it occurs when an oil gland in the eyelid gets clogged. Chazalion is more than just a lump sometimes; it might be a symptom of underlying infection like a fever. Thugh chazalions don’t deteriorate and become something severe but they can grow quite large and block the vision. Like styes, chazalions can also be treated at home with warm compresses.


A swollen eyelid with itchy, red, watery eyes can be a symptom of an eye allergy. Some seasons trigger allergic reaction more often than others. If you have swollen eyes in the spring months or during the pollinating seasons then it might be an allergy. Dust and spider web are other allergy causing elements.


Characterised as an infection deep in the tissue of the eyelid, Orbital Cellulitis is a serious infection that requires quick medical intervention with antibiotics. It causes excruciating pain in the eye lids. Often caused by bacteria, even a tiny cut can introduce enough bacteria and trigger this condition.


The immune system of a person with Graves’ disease often attacks healthy cells by mistaking them as infection causing pathogens. The antibodies harm the tissue around eyes leading to inflammation and swelling.


It is caused by the same virus aka Herpes Simplex that causes normal herpes on other parts of the body. Children are most commonly affected by this virus and can be easily detected by doctor. It starts as a pink eye and remains like that without producing distinct lesions.


A chronic condition being more common in some people as they have more bacteria present on their skin than others. This condition has no cure, and treatment includes warm compresses and in some cases antibiotic drops. Contacting an eye doctor in case of severe Blepharitis outbreak is always a great decision.

How you should respond to a swollen eye lid?

Temporary causes like allergies and eyelid swelling don’t need much pondering. You can simply apply warm compressions on your eyes and it might subside in a day or two.

If the swelling is due to blocked glands or due to minor infections then it will take more time. A span of 1-3 weeks is enough.

Swelling that need immediate medical response is only due to thyroid disorders. The swelling will alleviate once the root cause is successfully dealt.

Final words – If you feel like you need to visit an eye doctor then you can visit the best eye hospital is AssamThe retina centre.

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