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Understanding Retinopathy of Prematurity: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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The eyes are one of the most important sense organs in our body and we have to be very careful [...]

Eye clinic

The importance of Regular Eye Exams in Detecting and Treating Eye Disorders

Eyes are sensitive sense organs and need to be taken care of perfectly. They are more prone to damage and [...]

Eye clinic

The Differences Between Strabismus and Squint: Understanding Eye Misalignment

There are different types of eye problems and some of them are extremely common yet people often fail to recognize [...]

Eye clinic

Protecting Your Eyes from the Summer Sun: A Guide to Eye Health

Nowadays, global warming causes more intrusion of UV rays into our atmosphere which is harmful to our overall health. Eyes [...]

Eye clinic

Age-Related Eye Diseases: Prevention and Early Detection

Aging and eye problem are correlated. In most cases, aged people develop serious eye problems and they need to be [...]

Eye clinic

When to consult an eye specialist for your child

When is the best time to consult an eye specialist for your child? We all want our children to have [...]

Eye clinic

Good eye hygiene tips for your baby

Eyes of your baby are previous and sensitive and thus need extra care while cleaning them. Eye care for your [...]

Eye clinic

Squint Can Cause Blindness: Know in Details

Eye problems lurk in the habits and issues from childhood. Squinting is such an example. It is one of the [...]

Eye clinic

Rubbing of Eyes Can Be Harmful: Know the Harmful Effects

Rubbing your eyes is not a healthy practice as it will cause problems in your eyes. The eyes are the [...]

Eye clinic

Reading Using Big Screen is a BIG NO NO

The present era is an age of digital advancement. Nowadays, from education to marketing, everything has a digital connection. Thus, [...]

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