

Home Eye clinic (Page 14)
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Monsoon Eye Care Tips to Keep Infection at Bay

The human body shows up with innumerable infections during the monsoon season. The increasing presence of moisture helps in spreading [...]

Eye clinic

Precautions to Be Taken After Cataract Surgery

retina test facility

The rate of success for cataract surgery is quite high since it has become a simple and quick process nowadays. [...]

Eye clinic

Reasons and Remedies for a Swollen Eye

A few crucial reasons can lead to a swollen eye at times. Such reasons can vary from severe health conditions [...]

Eye clinic

Vitreous-Retinal Treatment

Vitreous gel and retina make the inner part of the eyes, which need prompt treatment to restore their structure when [...]

Eye clinic


Glaucoma is characterized by one or more symptoms like intermittent occurrence and reoccurrence of rainbow coloured halos, Double vision, or [...]

Eye clinic

What you should expect while visual acuity tests?

People are always worried about their first visits to the doctor and it is no different when they go for [...]

Eye clinic

Did you know your eyes say a lot about your health?

Eyes are the windows of your health. Just like your nails, your eyes often work as the primary indicators in [...]

Eye clinic

A complete list of all the ailments related to swollen eye lid.

Swelling of eyelids can have many underlying causes. The swelling of eyelids is a symptom and not a cause in [...]

Eye clinic

What you should know if you have Inherited Retinal Disease?

If you have come to know that you have IRD or you are here because you are worried for someone [...]

Eye clinic

Hidden signs that tell that your child needs glasses!

Very few adults get eye diseases in the age group of 25-55. Most people either develop eye conditions in early [...]