
Eye care tips for children and elderly people

Home Eye clinic Eye care tips for children and elderly people

Kids and older people are the most vulnerable segments in our society. They have limited physical abilities, prone to injuries, and face difficulty in communicating their discomfort. So, when it comes to taking care of their eye conditions, you should be extra cautious.

We have shortlisted some of the homemade eye care tips for kids. You can follow some of these tips for older adults at home to maintain their eye health.

Complete diet daily

It is the most basic necessity for developing and maintaining your kids’ eye health. You must include fresh green leafy vegetables, eggs, fish, and fruits in your child’s regular diet. These are rich in Vitamin A and other essential minerals for nourishing our ocular tissues and optic nerves. For older people, there might be restrictions on a high-protein and high-fiber diet. So, consult doctors or dietitians before including these items in an elderly diet.

Regular intake of water

Lack of enough water in our body can cause dry eyes, leading to blurred vision, irritations, and eye tissue tearing. So, be careful. Ensure that your kid drinks plenty of water. The adequacy of water varies with the physical activities, seasons, and age of your kid. Besides, the food we eat also contains water. On average, try encouraging them to drink at least 4 to 5 glasses of water. Sufficient hydration is also essential for older people. 

Sound sleep

Our eyes get rest when we sleep, and it is essential in maintaining ocular health. Lack of sleep or disturbances in quality sleep often leads to eye stress. So, check if your child is getting at least 7 hours of sound sleep daily. Getting sound sleep is also a problem for the aged.

Limit digital screen time

Smartphones and tablets are part of our lives, and we cannot remove these devices from our children’s lives. It is a reality. But, prolonged screen exposure causes dryness and itchiness in the eyes, ultimately leading to severe eye fatigue and vision-related problems. So, encourage children not to look at screens, at a stretch, for more than 30 minutes. Ask them to look away from screens and stare into the distance. 

Outdoor activities

Engagement in outdoor sports and activities helps children to avoid short-sightedness or myopia. Encourage them to go out and play instead of staying busy in indoor games. Football, cricket, badminton, and similar sports help to develop eye-hand coordination. Besides, outdoor sports can also break the habit of prolonged screen exposure.

Eye-safe toys

Kids often injure themselves with their toys. Poor physical coordination is the reason. So, avoid giving toys with sharp and rough edges to toddlers and kindergarten kids.

No eye rubbing  

Children just cannot stop rubbing their eyes when feeling itchiness or other irritations in the eyes. It is difficult for them to remember and stay away from rubbing eyes. So, you have to be 100% careful and keep reminding them until they grow the good habit of not rubbing their eyes.

Regular eye checkup

Home remedies and homemade tips are good for preventive eye care practices. But you should not keep following them once your kid starts experiencing trouble in the eyes. Take them to doctors. Rely only on professional ophthalmologists for regular medical checkups and listen to their advice.


Regular eye checkup is essential for aged people to diagnose severe eye conditions like cataract, glaucoma, and other diseases. In India, we often overlook elderly eye conditions as natural aging-related degeneration. It is a poor practice that increases the probability of vision losses. So, encourage your parents or other aged relatives to visit doctors at regular intervals. At The Retina Centre, we take particular care of building awareness among elderly patients and help them taking care of their eyes.

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