

Home Eye clinic Glaucoma

Glaucoma is characterized by one or more symptoms like intermittent occurrence and reoccurrence of rainbow coloured halos, Double vision, or reduced visual fields accompanied by Intractable headaches or a sudden decrease or transient loss of vision can be attributed to Glaucoma. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world and is linked to progressive visual field defects.


Glaucoma results from raised intraocular pressure. The pressure usually builds up due to blockage in the drainage of the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eyes. Although many risk factors have been described for glaucoma development and progression lowering Intraocular Pressure (IOP) is the only scientifically demonstrated method to slow the progression of the disease.

Best Procedures 

Ahmed Glaucoma Valve (AGV) – Implantation of AGV is used for reduction of Intra Ocular Pressure. Implantation of Ahmed glaucoma valve is an effective surgical technique to reduce intraocular pressure as it provides a mechanism to control Aqueous Humor outflow. The surgical technique for AGV implantation consists of a fornix-based or limbal-based conjunctival incision to create a conjunctival flap to place the implant. It was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) in 1993.

Trabeculectomy – Glaucoma results from raised intraocular pressure. The pressure usually builds up due to blockage in the drainage of the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eyes. This aqueous humor can be drained by creating a door in the eyewall in the trabecular meshwork in order to assist fluid outflow. The surgery involved in this procedure is called Trabeculectomy which along with the application of Mitomycin C or MMC makes it highly effective in the treatment of glaucoma. MMC molecules inhibit scarring in the eyes hence increasing the reliability, accuracy and longevity of this eye treatment.

Goniotomy –Though Trabeculectomy is preferred in children up to the age of 3, Goniotomy is a preferred option for young adults when it comes to treating mild to moderate glaucoma for long-lasting results. Goniotomy or GATT, i.e. Gonioscopy-assisted transluminal trabeculectomy is a modern variation of a trabeculectomy. GATT allows the surgeon to access 360° of the angle between the cornea and iris which allows the removal of a larger area of the trabecular mesh, hence reducing the IOP to the maximum extent. While procedures like AGV require foreign objects to be left in the eye, no foreign body is left in the eye in the case of GATT.

Our Services

At The Retina Centre, we aim to provide our patients with the best glaucoma treatment as we have the best eye surgeons in Assam for operations related to glaucoma-related complications. Our eye surgeons are highly trained in what they do and continuously upgrade their professional competence with changing times.

Frequently Asked Questions

What activities should you avoid after your eye surgery?

These are some of the activities that should be avoided. Activities like heavy lifting exercises, sports involving running, or activities involving lifting more than 10 pounds should be avoided. You should also avoid getting an infection from bacteria and wearing eye makeup that can clog the tubes.

Which is the most cost-effective surgery among all?

GATT is more cost-effective as it does not involve expensive devices. It is a simple procedure that can be performed repeatedly and cost-effectively. It can also be performed at the same time as cataract surgery.

Is AGV treatment safe?

AGV treatment was designed with the aim of preventing postoperative hypotony. Hypotony is usually defined as an intraocular pressure (IOP) of 5 mm Hg or less that can adversely impact the eye in many ways, including corneal decompensation, accelerated cataract formation, maculopathy, and discomfort. Studies have demonstrated that the ACV mechanism is effective in reducing postoperative hypotony. So yes AGV is safe.

What are AGV implants made of?

AGV tubes are either made with Polypropylene or silicone. Silicone tubes are the safest as they don’t cause inflammation.

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