
Reasons and Remedies for a Swollen Eye

Home Eye clinic Reasons and Remedies for a Swollen Eye

A few crucial reasons can lead to a swollen eye at times. Such reasons can vary from severe health conditions inflicted by the failure of organs to other milder conditions like the blocking of tear ducts or allergies.

You must seek medical attention immediately when you experience any kind of pain, breathing difficulty, or swelling below the eyes. This article will give you a deep insight into the potential reasons, remedial procedures, and treatments for your swollen eyelid.

Few Good Reasons for Swollen Eyes Are Described Here:

Excessive Rubbing

The presence of foreign particles, itchiness, and fatigue often compels you to rub your eyes. Swelling will often result from excessive rubbing of your eyes. You can keep your eyes normal by not touching your eyes too often.


You may experience some kind of injury that acts as the underlying cause for the sudden swelling of your eyes. Pain, discoloration, and swelling are often the outcomes of bruises and cuts. A swollen eyelid may even be caused by mosquito bites and the intrusion of other insects.

You can easily spot certain signs of infection once your pain or the swelling worsens. You might have to seek medical attention owing to such discharges and other associated reasons for swollen eyes.


Your eyelashes often suffer a baseline infection known as the stye. It is a lump that proves painful more often. You might develop the feeling as if you possess a foreign object while experiencing a stye.

Besides getting watery and light, your eye might seem sensitive and scratchy. Some of you may even experience fever and swollen eyes simultaneously. Styes are known to go away on their own; however, if they do not, then you might have to drain them with the help of antibiotics.

Remedial Steps of a Swollen Eyelid

The root cause of eyelids getting swollen often decides the course of its treatment. To prevent the swelling of eyelids, you must try a few home remedies for swollen eyes.

Few quick Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy and Clean:

Use Some Compression

Hold a clean piece of cloth below warm water and press it gently over the eyes. Perform this for a brief period of 15 minutes by about twice each day. Besides unclogging all crusty discharges, it will even help you remove oily substances that stick to your glands.

Rinse the Area Very Gently

You may apply baby shampoo in a diluted form with the help of a washcloth or cotton swab. While pressing it gently, you may remove the dust particles. However, you must also rinse your face with water as much as you can. If the discharges stick to your eyelids, you may rinse the spot with some saline solution to make things more comfortable.

Avoid Touching the Eyes

Avoid wearing contact lenses and eye makeup if you experience any symptoms. Let your eyes rest from direct sunlight and get adequate sleep at night.

Most physicians suggest the use of artificial tears for keeping the eyes moisturized. You will find them over the counter very easily. If the presence of allergens is causing disturbance to a swollen eye, you may apply anti-histamine drops that prevent your eyelids from turning swollen.

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