
The common eye diseases and eye conditions in Northeast Indian states

Home Eye clinic The common eye diseases and eye conditions in Northeast Indian states

Mother nature has made North-east India one of the fascinating places on Earth with horizon-touching mountains, hills, rivers, lush greeneries, dense rainforests, and other scenic beauties.

However, the same has made this region less developed. Difficulty in building and maintaining infrastructure has restricted people from accessing even the primary healthcare facilities. It is why the high prevalence of eye diseases and blindness among the people in this region. Timely diagnosis and treatment could have cured many of these conditions.  

We have tried to shortlist some of the common eye conditions among people in Northeast India. You should take immediate care if you experience any of these or know someone else who is experiencing the same.

Common eye diseases in North East India

Ocular fatigue – Suffering from double vision or difficulty in focusing? Feeling pain in neck and shoulder? Itchy eyes? Extra sensation to lights? These could indicate eye fatigue caused by intense use of eyes. It is a common eye condition and easy to treat once diagnosed. Prolonged eye fatigue can lead to vision loss and other ocular diseases.     

Eye discharge – It is another common eye condition across age groups in the region. The usual reasons are bacterial infections, allergies, eye injuries, and improper use of contact lenses. However, there can be more severe issues behind discharges like a corneal ulcer or chronic viral infections. So, do not overlook eye discharges.      

Foreign body sensation – Damages in ocular nerves, especially in the cornea, cause foreign body sensations. Abrasions in the eyes can also be the cause, along with red-eye and tearing of eye tissues. This type of eye condition requires a timely medical check-up, without which patients can develop severe vision-related problems.  

Blurred vision – It can be caused by farsightedness, nearsightedness, or severe eye diseases like cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Aged people often overlook and end up aggravating the condition. So, get your eyes checked as soon as you face blurriness in your vision. 

Eye discomfort – Ophthalmalgia or pain in the eyes can be experienced on the eye surface or inside the eye. Surface pains are generally less harmful and are caused by bacterial infections, abrasions, or eye injuries. On the other hand, internal pains indicate diseases like glaucoma, optic neuritis, sinusitis. So, do not sit tight and avoid your eye check-up. Any type of pain in the eyes requires immediate attention. The Retina Centre’s founding principle is to make quality and affordable eye care accessible to the people of Northeast India. We have already treated over a lakh of patients in the region and building awareness of million others. Our team of doctors and experts shall be happy to guide you in taking good care of your family’s ocular health.

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