
The Evolution of Glaucoma Surgery: From Traditional to Minimally Invasive Techniques

Home Eye clinic The Evolution of Glaucoma Surgery: From Traditional to Minimally Invasive Techniques

Glaucoma is a prevalent eye disease among people of different age groups but mainly among aged people. It can leave your eyesight permanently lost if not treated in time. The best aid in fighting the disease is glaucoma medication and /or surgery.

Gone are the days of traditional glaucoma eye surgery; today, we have minimally invasive techniques. This brief blog will give you a quick idea about the revolutionary change in eye surgery.

The Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Eye Surgery

The turn of the 21st century has brought a new chapter in glaucoma surgery. There are several techniques involved in the concept. A few prominent techniques include Laser Trabeculoplasty, Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery, and glaucoma implant surgery.

Minimally invasive surgeries have introduced the concept of faster recovery . Patients would also witness a lower risk for complications. In addition, patients would also find better patient compliance making it the perfect glaucoma eye surgery to follow up on.

New Techniques Have Been a Game Changer

The evolution of glaucoma surgery has been prominent. That, too, Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery has become a safer and more effective alternative. The technology-driven clinics such as The Retina Centre have been instrumental in bringing about a breakthrough in eye surgery.

Glaucoma is a disease caused by the nerve damage behind the eye. It can be effectively treated either by medicines or laser treatment. However, when it does not work, you would be suggested a glaucoma eye surgery.

In Conclusion

Glaucoma surgery has been instrumental in fighting the battle against the sight-threatening condition. The minimally invasive surgery has become a savior for many affected people. Do you have your loved ones suffering from the pain? Get in touch with the best glaucoma surgery clinics like The Retina Centre. Check out the best service providers and embark on a path toward a great vision.

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