
The subtle invader of sight glaucoma

Home Eye clinic The subtle invader of sight glaucoma

Have you ever wondered about the nature of your eyes? We have the tendency to take our vision for granted, thinking it will be there. But somewhere down the lane lurks a threat that can steal the ability to see properly. This stealthy foe is known as glaucoma.

Glaucoma is a cumulative eye condition that hampers the optic nerve, leading to irreparable vision loss if not treated on time. Glaucoma’s deceiving nature thrives on its subtlety. At first, there are no symptoms, but with time, the blindness gets worse. When symptoms manifest, a certain level of damage has already occurred.

So what happens if one suffers from this stealthy foe? Well, then, regular eye check-ups are a must, especially for those who are at high risk, such as people with glaucoma histories, people over the age of 60, or someone with medical conditions like diabetes. One has to undergo various tests for a better understanding of intraocular pressure, like the optic nerve and peripheral vision, for glaucoma diagnosis.

If you are a resident of Guwahati, seek expert care for glaucoma from The Retina Centre, where you can rest assured that specialized assistance is within reach. A team of specialists and advanced diagnostic tools are dedicated to glaucoma in the hospital to manage this condition effectively.

No matter how severe the issues are, early detection and timely action are paramount to preventing glaucoma progression. Treatment would be decided based on how severe the problem was. To get the best result for the health of your eyes, the glaucoma experts in Guwahati are dedicated to providing the finest care that is customized to your needs.

It’s high time for you to not let glaucoma affect your sight. Take steps to protect your vision by getting your eyes checked through regular exams and consulting eye care professionals in need. Remember, vigilance is the key when it comes to your eyesight.

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