
Types Of Eye Injuries That May Occur in The Kitchen

Home Eye clinic Types Of Eye Injuries That May Occur in The Kitchen

Eye injuries in the kitchen are very common. A splash of oil or mistakenly touching the eyes while using spices, etc. can cause serious eye problems. However, any type of accident in the kitchen needs serious medical attention that you can get from any eye hospital in Guwahati. But first, let’s get a clear understanding of what type of eye injury may happen in the kitchen.

Types of Eye Accidents that May Happen in a Kitchen

A few types of eye injuries that may occur in a kitchen are:

  • Burn Injuries

The most harmful and common types of eye injury that may occur in a kitchen are burn injuries. This may happen because of hot steam or a splash of hot liquids. You can also have eye burns because of spices. Different vegetables have different properties that may get contact with your eyes and cause a burning sensation. Hence, it is highly recommended to go for a check-up at a proper eye care facility like the Retina Centre, the best eye clinic in Guwahati.

  • Injuries from Pointed Objects

This type of injury is common among children. They accidentally poke their eyes with sharp objects like knives or forks during dining time. Grown-ups can also be caught in similar accidents. This is a medical emergency and you should go to an experienced ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

  • Splash injury from Bubbling Liquid

A splash of hot sauce, liquid from raw chicken or fish, boiling water etc. can cause eye injury in a kitchen. Hot liquids cause serious burns while liquid from raw materials causes bacterial infection. So, it is better to take help from experienced and manage your kitchen work accordingly.

How to Prevent Eye Injuries in a Kitchen?

Some effective ways to prevent kitchen eye injury are as follows:

  • Take safety glasses to save you from splash
  • Make a habit of washing your hands frequently so the spice residue does not get into your eyes
  • Be careful while using kitchen cleaning chemicals


Hope you have got a comprehensive idea about several types of kitchen eye injuries. The eyes are the most sensitive organs in our body. Do not ignore any mishap and go for effective treatment right after the accident. In this context, consider The Retina Centre as we have a well-maintained emergency care unit to manage any such accident cases.

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