
Vitreous-Retinal Treatment

Home Eye clinic Vitreous-Retinal Treatment

Vitreous gel and retina make the inner part of the eyes, which need prompt treatment to restore their structure when any kind of damage happens, which, when left untreated, can cause vision loss. At The Retina Centre, we rely on cutting-edge technology and painless procedures to deal with vitreous and retinal complications.

Symptoms and complications

While retinal detachment is characterized by one or more symptoms like intermittent occurrence and reoccurrence of rainbow coloured halos or a sudden decrease or transient loss of vision, a Macular hole results in difficulty in focusing on objects. Diabetic vitreous haemorrhage and diabetic retinopathy cause different symptoms but emerge from closely similar causes. Most problems related to vitreous humor or retina are characterised by loss of vision if not treated in time. Problems related to retina and vitreous fluid are the leading cause of blindness in the world and are linked to progressive visual field defects.


Pars plana vitrectomy – PPV is used to perform a variety of retinal microsurgical procedures by retina surgeons. Surgeons access the back of the eye through the safe zone called “pars plana”. This avoids damage to the retina and crystalline lens as it helps the microsurgical tools, lenses, and illuminating devices bypass the other parts of the eye. The Vitreous gel is taken out at first to access the retina and operate on that.

Lensectomy – When lens opacities prevent adequate visualization for performing retinal procedures or other procedures in the inner eye then the lens is removed to access the inner eye. Lensectomy is performed before vitreous removal to minimize dislocation of lens particles into the vitreous cavity.

Membrane peeling – The epiretinal membrane peel procedure is an advanced procedure used to remove scar tissue over the macula. The macula is the central part of the eye’s retina responsible for near, detailed vision. Scar tissue can develop because of multiple reasons like retinal detachment and even due to the degeneration of the gel inside the eye which causes the gel to thicken and pull away from the retina hence damaging the retinal surface. This is why epiretinal membrane peel is performed in conjunction with vitrectomy surgery.

Macular hole surgery

The macula is the central part of the eye’s retina responsible for near, detailed vision. A hole in the retina can be caused by injury, nearsightedness, and retinal detachments. When there is a tear in the macular region of the retina then this procedure is performed to resolve the hole in the macular area of the retina.

Silicon Oil Infusion (SOI) and Silicon Oil Removal (SOR)

Most of the procedures involving inner eye operations come with the replacement of vitreous gel with air, gas, or silicone oil bubble. Air bubble remains in the eye for only a few days, whereas gas bubble will remain in the eye ranging from 2-8 weeks, and a silicone oil bubble will not resorb on its own necessitating another procedure to remove the oil. These tamponades are lighter than water which allows them to rise to the surface inside the eye helping to hold the retina in place while it heals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I travel after surgery?

Air travel and driving motorized vehicles are strongly not recommended.

What lifestyle changes do I need to make after surgery?

Avoid lifting weight over 5-10 lbs or any such activity that involves jerking. Avoid activities involving bending at the waist like household chores, fitness/exercise and sports. Avoid going into pools, hot tubs, lakes or bathtubs. You may shower keeping your eye covered to avoid getting any water into the eye.

When will my normal vision be restored?

Blurred vision can last up to 4-6 weeks following surgery. This should progressively improve over time. Contact your physician right away if you notice any signs of complications after surgery, such as a sudden decrease in vision.

How to prevent retinal complications if you have a family history?

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is important. Quit smoking ASAP if you are a smoker, smoking has direct links to retinal degeneration, Stay hydrated, Exercise regularly, Wear sunglasses and eye protection, and Get regular eye check-ups.

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