
Trabeculectomy surgery for glaucoma

Home Eye Care Services Trabeculectomy surgery for glaucoma
Trabeculectomy surgery for glaucoma

Glaucoma can be treated and prevented if diagnosed early, but people often ignore the early symptoms of the disease. Besides, it is not easy to diagnose glaucoma as you need highly trained doctors and cutting-edge diagnostic infrastructure–we offer both. Our Glaucoma screening facility can take care of your worries if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms,

  • Halos around lights
  • Redness in eye
  • Hazy eyes (especially among infants)
  • Eye pain
  • Upset stomach
  • vomiting (along with one of the above conditions)

Trabeculectomy is a type of outpatient surgical procedure performed on the eyes for treating glaucoma and is regularly advised by experts to prevent worsening of vision loss due to glaucoma by lowering eye pressure. It creates a new pathway to drain out the fluid inside the eyes.


Call us at +91 9821 465 665 for more details.