Retinal Diseases

Retina enables our vision. Any retinal disease – small or big – can cause loss of vision or permanent blindness if neglected for a long time. The common symptoms of retinal problems include –
● Seeing floating spots
● Seeing straight lines as wavy
● Distortion in or lack of side vision
Modern medical science has invented various techniques like retinal hole laser treatments to preserve vision and stop retinal diseases’ progression. Retinal laser treatment for retinal tear and detachment has proved particularly useful and highly effective for long-term relief.
As a tertiary eye care facility, The Retina Centre offers all the modern treatments and the cutting-edge infrastructure for every retinal disease. Together with our team of specialist doctors, we have already served numerous patients with retinal eye conditions through our out-patient and in-patient departments.
Team of doctors with expertise in retinal diseases –
Dr. S. U. Ahmed
Dr. A. Latif
Do you experience any of the symptoms of a retinal disease? Please make an appointment with our expert doctors and give your vision a chance.
Eye Specialists
The Retina Centre you get the expertise of professionals with 28+ years of experience.
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Avoid wasting valuable time in hesitation. We advise you to seek help when in confusion. Talk to our doctors and make an informed decision. Book an appointment today!
We are open:
Mon – Sat: 8 am – 7 pm,
Sunday: 9 am – 5 pm
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the various retinal diseases?
The retina sits on the inner surface at the back of our eyes. It is made up of millions of cells with different types of light sensitivity and sends visual sensation to our brain through optical nerves. Any issues or conditions with retinal tissues and nerve ends can hamper our eyesight. Some of the common retinal diseases and retinal discomfort are,
● Floaters
● Macular degeneration
● Retinal tear & detachment
● Retinitis Pigmentosa
● Diabetic retinopathy
● Macular hole
● Epiretinal membrane
What is retinal degeneration?
It is primarily an incurable retinal condition caused by the progressive death of retinal cells. The common symptoms are,
● Reduction in central vision
● The necessity of brighter lights or extreme close up while reading or writing.
● Difficulty in adjusting vision in low light conditions.
● Blurriness while reading printed materials
There can be more than one reason behind such retinopathy. The usual reasons are,
● Diabetes-related retinopathy
● Blockage in vein or artery
● Genetic conditions
● Damaged retinal development in premature babies
What is retinal tear & retinal detachment? What are its symptoms and causes?
When semi-liquid or gel-like vitreous humour inside our eyes shrinks, it creates a strain on thin retinal tissues pulls a tiny portion apart, causing a retinal tear. When the vitreous liquid sips through the retinal tear and goes under the torn apart retinal tissue, the condition is called retinal detachment.
● The early symptom of a retinal tear is seeing floaters and flashing lights.
● The symptoms of retinal detachment are reduced peripheral vision and blurred vision.
The most common cause of retinal tear and retinal detachment is aging and eye injury. However, the pressure difference in vitreous liquid may also cause a retinal tear.